• Culture,  London & UK

    5 festivals in London in the autumn

    A few years ago, I shared my ‘10 tips to beat those post-holiday blues’. These tips included watching a film and listening to music among others. They did not, however, include going to a festival, which I now realise was a big omission. I’m currently on holiday in Greece, but I will soon return to London, where I live. Although I’d much rather continue my holidays, there are some things I’m really looking forward to – they will certainly help bear those post-holiday blues. One of these things is going to festivals. Although the British capital is home to a plethora of various kinds of festivals, these 5 festivals in…

  • Culture,  London & UK

    20 Festivals in London in 2020

    A few weeks ago, Barack Obama shared his annual list of favorites — books, films, and music. The former US President reflected that ‘outlets like literature and art can enhance our day-to-day experiences’. As a Psychiatrist, I couldn’t agree more. In fact, one of the reasons why I love living in London is the number of music and film festivals, as well as other cultural events, available. Last year, I attended quite a few festivals and cultural events, and I subsequently published several posts about my favorite festivals in London. I particularly enjoyed the music festivals taking place in the summer, and the film festivals in the autumn. Here are…

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