
Açaí smoothie bowl: mood-boosting, healthy eating

An açaí smoothie bowl
An açaí smoothie bowl

2018 has been a bad year for Brazilian politics. The reason? In October, far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro was declared the winner of the Brazilian general election with over 50% of the popular vote. According to the Guardian, Bolsonaro represents a clear and present danger not only to his country(1) but to the planet(2). Soon after the election, the South American country abandoned plans to host crucial UN climate talks in 2019, raising concerns about Brazil’s stance towards the environment. Unfortunately, Brazil is far from the only country where far-right politics are on the rise. Populist and nationalist political parties have been sadly gaining popularity worldwide, culminating in the election of Donald Trump, as the 45th US president, and the disastrous result of the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, a.k.a. Brexit. Amidst these bad news, I have recently discovered the best ingredient to brighten my mood(3): the açaí berry.

Açaí berry

Açaí berry or simply açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the dark purple fruit of the açaí palm, a species of palm tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest (yes, the one that Bolsonaro would like to exploit) and is therefore native to Brazil and South America. Unfortunately, once harvested, the fruit has such a short lifespan that you cannot get fresh berries unless you’re in Brazil. However, açaí comes in a few forms (frozen packs, juice and powder) that allow its transportation to other countries whilst maintaining its high nutritional value and health benefits. Packed with antioxidants, omega-3, calcium and fibre, açaí is unsurprisingly considered a superfood. Its consumption has been said to have several health benefits, such as increased cardiovascular health and a possible anti-cancer effect.

Another açaí smoothie bowl

Another açaí smoothie bowl

Açaí smoothie bowl

The açaí smoothie bowl (sometimes simply called açaí bowl) is made of frozen and mashed (blended) açaí berries. As the name suggests, it is served in a bowl. It is usually topped with granola and fresh fruit, such as banana and berries, further increasing its nutritional value. Unlike the usual smoothies, the açaí bowl is meant to be thick and creamy, and is therefore eaten with a spoon. Due to its consistency, as well as its dark purple color, it is reminiscent of chocolate mousse.

Another açaí smoothie bowl

And another açaí smoothie bowl


1. 1 frozen pack of açaí berries
2. 1 banana (frozen or fresh)
3. A splash of water or milk
4. A handful of granola for the topping
5. A handful of fruit of your choice for the topping


1. Run the frozen pack under water for half a minute. Then, blend together the frozen berries and the banana (if it’s frozen, then it need to be peeled and slice before freezing) with a splash of water or milk.

2. Once smooth and creamy, pour the mixture into a bowl.

3. Top with granola and fresh fruit, such as bananas, blueberries and strawberries. You could even add coconut flakes, cocoa nibs or chia seeds.

Açaí smoothie bowls are perfect in the summer when the weather’s warm and sunny; yet, I also like them in the winter to brighten my mood during those cold and dark days.

Bon appetit!


(the Traveling Psychiatrist)


  1. Bolsonaro’s views are not only conservative, but also homophobic, misogynistic, sexist, racist and anti-refugee. Given the fact that Brazil is the 5th largest country of the world – both in terms of population and area, the magnitude of his influence becomes apparent.
  2. Brazil has been notable for taking a lead in environment friendly initiatives; the South American country is considered to have the world’s first sustainable biofuels economy and the biofuel industry leader, a policy model for other countries; and its sugarcane ethanol “the most successful alternative fuel to date.”
  3. Despite my enthusiastic introduction to this post, I would like to make it clear that açaí does not contain any antidepressant or medicinal properties. However, indulging in a plate of nutritious and delicious food never fails to brighten my mood; the mood-boosting effect of the açaí smoothie bowl should therefore be considered in this context, rather than a biological one.

Further reading on nutrition

If you want to read more about nutrition for better (physical and mental) health and wellbeing, check out my posts ‘Better nutrition. Better health. Better wellbeing‘ and ‘10 tips for better mental health & wellbeing (part 1)’.

To read more about the health benefits of açaí berries, read this article.

For more healthy and nutritious recipes, check out my post ‘Kefir smoothies: easy-to-make, nutritious and delicious’.

To read more about the Mediterranean diet, check out the Mayo Clinic website.

Further reading on international politics and happiness

To read more about the political situation in Brazil, especially with regards to the environment, check out these articles recently published in the Guardian:

The Guardian view on Brazil’s new president: a global danger‘.

Brazil reneges on hosting UN climate talks under Bolsonaro presidency‘.

To read more about ethanol fuel in Brazil, check out this very informative post on Wikipedia.

If you’d rather read my thoughts on Swedish politics and happiness in Scandinavia, check out my post ‘Sweden: Behind the myth of the lagom utopia’.

If you prefer to read more about happiness from a South American perspective, check out my post ‘Let Me Tell You a Story: Tales along the road to happiness‘.

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